Artwork Painted Bat Framed, Watercolor Painting of Painted Bat, Kerivoula picta, Framed Bat, Mounted Bat

from $20.00
New for 2021, New Creatures Great and Smol Series 2021

This is the Painted Bat, a fun orange and black bat native to Thailand. I decided to paint this bat since I've seen lots of taxidermy specimens and wanted to help provide a death-free version.

Watercolor painting of specimen, signed prints available in limited supply.

Original 11x14 framed.

Bugs-Under-Glass Series

I had planned on buying a leaf insect, a few random beetles, spiders, and assorted bugs. I just had to wait until the next paycheck to buy the leaf insect. While those two weeks passed I would see the mounted insects on the wall and “squeee” with delight. But then, I started to think about this little creature was in fact a living thing that someone had to kill to mount for me. Granted the life of an insect is not one for the history books, generally…but alas…I started getting the “guilties”.

So I came up with the “brilliant” idea of painting my own little insects. This way it would save a life, and I could enjoy specimens without guilt. Thus, my Bugs-Under-Glass Series began (now I've evolved into mammals and other vertebrates).
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Carpenter Bee Watercolor Painting/Signed Prints
from $5.00
ARTWORK, Purple Dragonfly Painting, Framed Dragonfly Art, Mounted Dragonfly art, Framed Insect painting, Specimen painting
from $20.00
ARTWORK Indian Praying Mantis, Mounted Insect, Framed Insect Art, Framed Specimen, Framed Watercolor, Bug art, framed bug, watercolor print
from $20.00
Mexican Freetailed Bat Watercolor Print
from $20.00
Fruit Fly Artwork, Drisophila Framed Art, Framed Insect Art, Red and White Eye Fruit Fly Print
from $20.00